Wednesday, June 23

Wednesdays full of Wisdom- Fireflies

Just Because He loves us....

This weeks lesson from God came at the perfect time..although, do I expect anything less of the Creator of the Universe? Life is getting busy. This always happens, life gets crazy in summer and things just seem to go in fast forward but lately I have really felt as though things are moving in double time so having God open my eyes and slow down to the things He's trying to teach me is amazing.

This week I was over at my boyfriends, and as it was starting to get dark we were able to witness a absolutely beautiful sunset. We all just sat and watched as the sky turned an amazing orange, pink, blue, purple, and was truly breathtaking. I definitely enjoyed this view but within seconds of getting eaten by bugs I was right back by the campfire forgetting all about the memory I had just made.
As the night went on and the night sky darkened we all started noticing the cute little fireflies that were appearing from the woods, my brother and Kevin's sister began trying to catch them. She got out a jar and off they went prancing across the yard chasing after these cute little bugs...Kevin's mom suggested we all go back to the meadow because she has noticed that there are usually lots of fireflies back there. As we started walking through the trail it began getting brighter and brighter and before I knew it I could see hundreds of little fireflies lighting up the was beyond incredible and something I had never experienced before.

That's when my eyes were opened..All I could do was smile. Thank you Jesus for this beautiful gift. As I stood there in complete awe of this fun and amazing moment all I could do was thank my Father in Heaven for giving me such a sweet gift. Just Because He Loves Us... how many times a day do I walk by a pretty flower, brush past a smiling child, look beyond a beautiful sunset? How many times do I miss the blessings and pure gifts of my Father. Sadly...everyday. I know God blesses me..and I know I never deserve those blessings but hardly do I realize that God gives us things just because He loves us so much.

This week God had me slow down a little..and remember He finds pleasure in His children. He loves to see us smiling, hear us laughing, and watching as we boast in His Goodness. We serve an amazing God...

Zephaniah 3:17
"The Lord your God in your midst, He is mighty to save. He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

I have a very hectic schedule coming up and I'm so thankful the Lord decided to teach me this lesson now, so that maybe throughout these next busy months ahead, and years..I can always see the little things in life He does simply to make us smile.


Kelli said...

Oh Lacey!! Thank you so much for sharing! God has been working on my heart about this very same thing lately, also!! In this crazy busy life we live now, with all the distractions all around us, we never just stop to sit, stop to look, stop to smell, stop to admire! I want to so bad, and it's amazing how hard it is to do! Your words and your heart are such an encouragement to me, thanks for sharing!!

Tricia Satorius said...

I adore that lil story! That sounds amazing. God truly has a way of opening our eyes to his wonders :)

And that verse at the end is truly a favorite of mine. How awesome to think that He rejoices over us with singing! And He is in our midst! :) mmmm. That was a blessing to read my friend. Thank you so much. I love you.

Stephanie said...

What a beautiful reminder! He is so good and blesses us way more than we deserve. You have a sweet heart and I am so encouraged by your devotion to Him. Thanks for visiting my blog. I've heard about you a lot through other friends here, so it'll be fun to finally "get to know you" ;)