Tuesday, January 18

Touch up Tuesday



Not sure which one I like better, I didn't do major touch ups but either way I was actually happy with this shot.
I love winter.

Sunday, January 2

Goals...not resolutions.

I don't usually set New Year resolutions because I am horrible at keeping them but this year I am determined to keep some much needed goals.

                                            Learn to love my husband more...every.single.day.
                                    Trust God with the [small] things..as well as the [big] things...
Do more for my husband to make his day and week easier on him.
Become better at organizing and cleaning.
Become a better photographer.
Learn the ins and outs of Photoshop.
Take some "out of the box" pictures...and often.
Follow more blogs..and take part in at least one challenge a month.
Go for more walks, choose to eat healthier.

I could have many more, but I don't want to be unrealistic...in fact, all of those may be unrealistic but I feel as though I can do it.

I'm excited for 2011, and hoping God does some major changes in my heart and life. 2010 was good, and full of love,  but there is always room for MORE happiness right?

Saturday, January 1

I AM.....

.....seriously blessed to be entering 2011 healthy and happy.
......sitting in my parents living room watching the Badgers in the Rose Bowl.
.....sad that today is my brothers last day home.
.....stuffing my face full of tacos.
.....reflecting on the last year.
....happy to be married to my best friend for 5 months.
....looking forward to what 2011 might bring

I wanted to get together pictures, and tell you about my year..but as life has it.
I'm just too busy.
For a short recap though, a lot has happened in 2010.

Moved home from Texas.
KJ came home from Kuwait.
Lucas joined the National Guard.
Had a family vacation in Florida.
I got engaged.
Then married 4 week later.
Lucas left for Basic.
I moved out of my house and into my first apartment with my HUSBAND.

There has been so many other little [big] things that have gone on through out the year but I would be blogging for hours, and as you read before, I'm too busy for that.
Kevin and I had a great time last night with some friends as we rang in the New Year.
I'm looking forward to what God will bring into our life in 2011 and can't believe how fast seems to be moving.
Things are good here, and I'm so thankful for my life.

Happy New Year!