Tuesday, November 27


Today is:
November 27, 2012

How far along: 22 weeks

Baby is the size of: A spaghetti squash. At our 20 week appointment he was almost 14 oz..so I would be so curious to see how much he has grown!

What's going on with the babe: He's looking more like a newborn, with distinguished eyes and lips. He's also sleeping in cycles, about 12-14 hrs a day, although most days I wouldn't know that, he moves around so much.

What's going on with the mama: Definitely feeling pregnant these days, some sickness still but overall I have had some really good days!

Baby is a: Boy!

Maternity clothing: Still depends on the item.. but my shirts are getting shorter and shorter.

Sleep: Depends on the night, but usually is much better then 1st trimester!

Movement: Still don't feel him if I'm walking around, but I am sitting still or lying down I am feeling such strong kicks.

Cravings/Aversions: All depends on the day!

I sure hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving. I know I did. Even though baby boy isn't out of the womb I'm so amazed at how he already brings so much joy to our lives. I know I've said it a lot, but I hope I never stop.
This baby is such a miracle.
These last couple months God has been teaching me so much about who He is what He asks of me. He is such a beautiful Lord who is awesome and mighty and even when we walk through sin, hard days, or sadness, He will always remain faithful and good.  I am constantly learning that who He is doesn't depend on my circumstances. He is always good, always the same, and He never changes. This life isn't always easy, being obedient to God is not always easy, but being a child of the King is such a blessing.
So this year as I have reflected on so many blessings, I am most thankful that I am have someone to thank. My life is not by chance, but by a Sovereign God who has everything under control. He has given me my blessings, and I am so thankful that I can thank Him.

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