Sunday, December 13


Today in Sunday school we were talking about Joy VS. Happiness. I had never really thought about this before but I realized that there are many things that can make a person happy, but very few and special things that bring you joy. Happiness can be temporary, Joy is from the Lord and is solid. I realized that if I'm having a bad day, the things that might make me happy, just won't cut it..but even on my worst day, the Joy of the Lord will always bring a smile to my face- even if it's for a moment. Joy is permanent. If we have the Joy of the Lord, we will not be moved.

There are many things that make me happy, and bring goodness to my life- but when I dig deep down, there are things that bring me earthly joy, the kind that only Jesus hands out. Those are the things I cherish, and count my blessings daily.

Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for JOY and I will give thanks to him in song.

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