Thursday, January 3

So long 2012...

It's funny how everyone gets so mushy and reflective as the new year approaches. The joy I have in Christ is that I am so thankful I don't have to wait for the new year to start fresh, His mercies are new every morning and as I fail daily, He is there to give me my fresh start.

As I was thinking about 2012 I didn't think I would even have anything to write about. I couldn't remember anything that exciting happening or any big moments I wanted to remember. Then I started to think back on all that has happened and I think to myself "God you have taught me so much". So here are just a few things that happened to me and the truth God brought out of them! 

K was facing the possibility of losing his job, and was traveling close to 3 weeks out of the month.
This is where God continued to teach me that He is my Shepherd and with Him I shall not want. We had to put our faith in Him as we searched for new jobs and began new changes in our lives.

He found a new job, and we found a new apartment. This was a blessing that we weren't even asking for. Well, the job was well prayed for but we had no thoughts of moving till this apartment pretty much fell in our lap that came with an basement and a garage plus more space to make us feel a little less cramped. God taught me that a house really is just that, a house.. you make it a home with the memories you create and the people you create them with. We have loved our new place and even with a half flooded basement..we are still thankful for it. :) 

I witnessed some beautiful weddings and beautiful babies enter the world. Both miracles in my was so fun to watch fellow believers enter into a covenant with Christ and start this new journey. And well the babies, we all know how I feel about them. It was such a joy to see some of my friends become parents and have the honor of loving on their little ones! 

Kevin and I were/are a part of some amazing Bible studies and small groups that have been more of a blessing than anyone realizes. I have watched my husband create great friendships with Godly men and I have made friendships with some of the best ladies around. I have learned the importance of having Godly fellowship and having friends that you just don't have fun with, but that keep you accountable and help build you up on the principles of truth. Kevin and I are so thankful those friendships.

 My brother continues to succeed in his military career and is getting closer every day to full filling his dream of becoming an helicopter pilot. I can't say what a blessing it is that he and I have been able to build a good relationship and I can't say enough about the man that he is growing into. He has worked so hard to get where he is now and I am just so proud to be his sister. 

With living close to most of our families K and I are usually able to see them a lot and we can't tell you how  much we love them. It's not the norm for your husband to actually WANT to go spend the afternoon at his in laws but K never hesitates to go over there and we both love our time with family. Between holidays and family visiting we love the memories we make with them and feel so blessed to have such an incredible family. 

2012 did bring our first big injury.. Kevin slicing his hand wide open at work and me nearly having a panic attack when I couldn't get a hold of the hospital. Though it could have been WAY worse and we know that God was protecting his hand that day it was still many weeks of pain and suffering for my poor husband. It also brought our the "in sickness and in health" part in our marriage as he couldn't use his right hand for some time which meant I needed to do everything for him. 

I finished my first half marathon with my brother and great friends and this was truly a huge accomplishment for me. I am not much of a runner but it was a goal I have had for many years. It was such a blessing to stick to something and actually complete it. Crossing that finish line was just more proof that through Christ all things are possible, for He was the only reason I made it! 

And of course the biggest change for us in 2012 was finding out in July that I was pregnant. It was something we were planning for in the next year but did not expect it to come so soon. It has been a pregnancy that has kept me on my knees (literally) and pushed me to my limits. I have never been so sick in my entire life..but I have also never been filled with such joy. We found out it was a boy and though it hasn't been easy, it has been one of the most incredible journeys of my life. You have to stop thinking about yourself, and suddenly put another persons life above yours. I can't begin to tell you all the ways God teaches me through this baby and I know those lessons will only continue.

So Glory be to God for everything HE has done in our lives this past year. We know that none of it is by our own doing but through His grace and mercy on us. I expect 2013 to bring just as many lessons from above and even though being out of our comfort zone isn't easy, it always pays off.

If you are reading this then you are a part of my life one way or the other and I love you dearly. You have helped make me who I am and for that I am so grateful.

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