So as the story goes in my life I don't do anything in any particular order, as in these baby updates. I go weeks with none then randomly decide I should update the blog. I do plan to print some of them to put in my scrapbook I have started so I guess that is sort of a plan, we will see if it actually gets done. Either way it is still fun for me to be able to go back and read some of the first updates, so random or not.. I will keep updating.
Baby boy is wiggling around as I type and in fact is sticking some part of his body as far out as he can. It looks like my stomach is completely lopsided. He did however let me sleep last nigh, which was very kind of him.
Baby boy is wiggling around as I type and in fact is sticking some part of his body as far out as he can. It looks like my stomach is completely lopsided. He did however let me sleep last nigh, which was very kind of him.
Today is: January 15, 2013
How far along: 29 weeks
Total weight gain: As always, I'm not completely sure.. somewhere around 13-15lbs.
Baby is the size of: A butternut squash...about 15-16" and 2.5-3 lbs.
What's going on with the babe: Baby "Fred" (his secret name since we aren't revealing his real name yet) is starting to get cramped! He's growing white fat deposits under his skin, and because of that, his energy is surging. Which I can definitely tell!
What's going on with the mama: My body is moving into full gear third-trimester symptoms and some of the first trimester ones are back. Mostly just extreme back pain and exhaustion. I am still sick 2 or 3 times a week but what a joy its been to take out the trash without gagging. :) God sure knows how to change our perspective on things, who would think you would actually be thankful to do chores. :)
Baby is a: Boy!
Maternity clothing: Almost everything. I do have some shirts I bought just in larger sizes because that is cheaper than maternity clothes and a few shirts still fit me as long as I have a long tank top underneath. Otherwise not much fits these days and I would really prefer to live in yoga pants, leggings, and comfy sweaters!
Sleep: Depends on the night. Most nights I toss and turn a lot or wake up unable to feel my feet. I've been trying different pillows and positions but at this point I am just taking what I can get! I have been using some new essential oils and they have been helping!
Movement: So many big movements, he sure knows how to make me laugh!
Cravings/Aversions: Cravings come and go and change daily but grapefruit, clementines and oranges are still at the top of my list, along with cereal..Most days I feel like I could live off of cereal alone. My biggest aversion is still chicken. I can usually eat it fine once its fixed and dipped in BBQ sauce but I wouldn't say it ever sounds good. Thankfully that didn't stop me from wanting Chick-fil-A while in TX and though it didn't taste as good as usual, I was still able to really enjoy it. :)
- Sciatic nerve pain- Thankfully none of this. I get a few moments here and there but then off I go to see my Chiropractor and then its gone!
- Aches & pains. All over all the time. My back pain has definitely been the hardest...
- Fatigue. Almost all the time!
- Frequent potty breaks. :)
-Heartburn- Within the last two weeks this has been at its worst. Tums don't even touch it and some nights its so bad I end up throwing up..although not the best for me, I did find that chocolate milk really helps.
- Fatigue. Almost all the time!
- Frequent potty breaks. :)
-Heartburn- Within the last two weeks this has been at its worst. Tums don't even touch it and some nights its so bad I end up throwing up..although not the best for me, I did find that chocolate milk really helps.
I know I still have months to go, but thinking that I only have at the most 11 or 12 weeks left really encourages me. Being pregnant has not been my favorite time of life but I am so thankful God has continued to give me endurance through it all. I was just telling K that my goal for the end weeks is to really focus on not complaining..but so far I'm failing miserably. The more anxious I get to meet my baby boy the harder it is to be pregnant. Thankfully I know many, many, many woman have gone through it and I can do it. One of my friends has said.. " I am praying that you can lean on the Lord and not on the calendar". And that's exactly what I hope to do! And for the first time since being pregnant I actually had thought that I will miss feeling him move everyday and having a constant buddy everywhere I go. I already love being his mom, and I would do this several times over just to have this sweet blessing in my life.
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