Sunday, January 26

Nine Months.

I am extremely behind in this post. Leave it to me..I can't do anything on time. Just when I think I'm not going to blog anymore I get an email from someone asking me where I have been and why I haven't written in awhile. So here we are.

My little man is growing up before my eyes. He is a ball of goofiness that makes me smile everyday.

The last few months have been a complete whirlwind so instead of boring you all to death with my words I will just overload you with Tanner cuteness.

Motherhood is something I will never understand. As cliche as it sounds, it changes me everyday. I am constantly reminded that this life, my not about me. My time here on this earth was created for a purpose and I don't want to waste a single day of it. Just when I think I am pushed to the end of myself God extends His grace and I am reminded just how weak I am without His strength.
I am nothing, He is everything.
Being a wife and mother has changed me in every way possible and even on the hard days I remember that it is all a gift. I am blessed to call Tanner my son. I am blessed to care for him every day, wipe away his tears and snuggle him close when hes sad. I am the first person to see his smile in the morning and the last one to kiss his cheeks at night. I am blessed to watch him grow and learn new things every day.
It is all a gift. One that I take for granted so often and for that I am ashamed.
I complain about being tired, that I no longer have "me" time.
Then I look down at my little boy and remember that being a mom is not a hobby, it is my calling.
One I am honored to have. 
So through my continual sleepless nights, being sick, poop, puke, piles of laundry, countless dishes and the "woes" of being a stay at home mom I will never forget that this is my gift. 
To be thankful for it all, always.

1 comment:

Sarah Kiiskila said...

He is so lucky to have you as his Mama! It's good to hear these things from you- my life is not my own and that motherhood is a calling! I love getting to learn from you and being your friend through all the stages. I love you!