Summer is almost over.. I remember sitting in this exact spot the week Tanner was born thinking about how time was moving so slow but before I knew it summer would be over and I would have a 4 month old. Well here we are, summer is almost over and somehow, someway I have a 4 month old.
Things we want to remember from Month 4 :

New Zoo:
We decided to take Tanner to the zoo! What a fun zoo and what a fun day! We were able to pet the giraffes, watch the monkeys play, see the cutest baby monkey ever, watch the penguins waddle and see the coolest looking red panda ever. Kevin and I have always loved the zoo and this one met all of our expectations. Its a beautiful zoo filled with fun animals. I can't wait to take Tanner when he will be a little more excited. :)
Crabby cakes:
This month has brought some terrible crabby moments and continues to do so. I think he has started teething and what an adventure. Good thing hes so darn cute.

First sickness.
Tanner had his first ear infection so we did a lot of snuggling and napping.
Tanner had his first ear infection so we did a lot of snuggling and napping.
First Tick:
Though a very long story for a completely different day I found a tiny tick on Tanners eyelid. I had to take him to the dr where we had to strap him down, numb his eye and try and remove the tick. Thankfully the doctor was able to get it without sedating him. They took some blood ( what a miserable experience) and we are waiting on the blood results to see if he has Lymes. I'm not to worried about sure was an adventure though!
Though a very long story for a completely different day I found a tiny tick on Tanners eyelid. I had to take him to the dr where we had to strap him down, numb his eye and try and remove the tick. Thankfully the doctor was able to get it without sedating him. They took some blood ( what a miserable experience) and we are waiting on the blood results to see if he has Lymes. I'm not to worried about sure was an adventure though!
Kevin and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary. We are so thankful to have Tanner this year.

Tanner loves bath time! It is by far one of his favorite things!

Tanner is continuing to be a busy little boy and one day I went to the bathroom and came back to find him stuck under the chair! Of course once I knew he was ok I laughed and snapped a picture.
Tanner keeps us laughing all day. He is full of character and this month has definitely been one of my favorites but I'm pretty sure I say that each month.
I'm so thankful for this little man and all that he teaches me every day.
Tanner keeps us laughing all day. He is full of character and this month has definitely been one of my favorites but I'm pretty sure I say that each month.
I'm so thankful for this little man and all that he teaches me every day.

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