Tuesday, February 12

33 weeks

Today is: February 12, 2013

How far along: 33 weeks

Total weight gain: Still hanging at about 17 pounds.

Baby is the size of: A pineapple! About 17.5-18.5" and 4.5-5.5 lbs.

What's going on with the babe: Baby boy is keeping his eyes open while he's awake now, starting to coordinate breathing with sucking and swallowing, his bones are hardening, and he's going through major brain development!

What's going on with the mama: There's a little waddling going on these days with some achy bones and a back that gives me so. many. problems!

Baby is a: Boy!

Maternity clothing: Yeah, mostly. Some non-maternity, but very little.
Sleep:  I have always been a person who loves to sleep and has never had any problems doing so..it's a new adjustment for me to lay in bed and not be able to fall asleep! Mostly I can't complain though, I am getting quite a few good hours in every night in between the tossing and turning and the babe doing dance moves!
Movement: My little man is as active as ever....
Cravings/Aversions:Cereal, cereal, cereal.
- Sciatic nerve pain. None this week!
- Aches.  All day, all night!
- Fatigue.  Some days are better than others!
- Low appetite. I'm finding it best to eat small meals all day and avoid big meals at once!
- Heartburn. Last week this was a killer. Every day was constant horrible heartburn and nothing seemed to help, thankfully these last few days it has subsided some and its not so bad!
- Shortness of breath.  Lots of that! 
This last week hasn't been the easiest, I've had multiple days of being sick and some days I am just so tired of throwing up. However, this week has also had way more fun things to keep me encouraged and distracted. We took our maternity pictures, had my first baby shower and even spent an evening together organizing his room a little!
All of those things were very sweet and got me very excited for this little boys arrival. My baby shower was thrown by my friends from Church and these ladies sure know how to make me feel loved. It was full of my favorite things and they all went in and got us our stroller and car seat. Which is now sitting in the living room..I guess we should find a place for it. :) A snow storm that day kept many of them at home including my mother in law but I guess that is how Wisconsin weather goes. I'm just happy everyone stayed home and safe!
Tonight when K gets home from work we are headed to hopefully pick up his dressers and then I can start washing and putting away clothes. That will be so exciting.
So once again even though most days being pregnant is not my favorite thing, this week has reminded me just how special carrying this precious child is. I just can't believe how much I already love my sweet boy and how blessed I feel to be his mom. I would gladly take another 33 weeks of bathroom trips, aching bones, out of control hormones, sleepless nights and this constant discomfort just be his mommy.

7 more weeks little man..I can't wait to kiss that face of yours.

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