For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Psalm 139: 13-15
July 26th 2012 will be a day Kevin and I will remember forever. That is the day we found out we were expecting out first baby. I was overwhelmed, overjoyed, and prancing around like a mad woman. I didn't believe it, so my sweet hubby drove me to the store to buy more tests. After 3 positive tests and a good talk with the sweetest nurse over the phone we decided..pregnant. Kevin just kept smiling, and it was fun to see him excited!

That Saturday we bought a "happy birthday grandma" card for both of our moms since their birthdays were in July and I was so excited to share the news. I knew they would both be just full of happiness and I couldn't wait to see the reactions. My family came first and it was such a blessing to tell my mom while my grandparents were still in Wisconsin. They were all giggling and screaming and everyone was SO happy. I just feel so blessed by this tiny little person already, I know it will only get better...but I can't believe how much I love this baby. Sweet one has already changed me.
We got just as much screaming and giggling from Kevin's mom and telling everyone this exciting news has been the best part so far!
Currently I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and I am dealing with almost every symptom in the book. I eat pickles like they are going out of style, I eat EVERYTHING like its going out of style and I am sick almost constantly. I have heard about "morning sickness" my whole life..but never did I imagine it would feel like this. Once again I am so, so thankful that my sickness is a great sign baby is growing strong and healthy and I'm so happy about that but so far being pregnant has been extremely difficult. We are going to pray a lot and continue to try every tip in the book to help ease this sickness.
As I was cooking dinner tonight I was once again reminded that every blessing comes from the Lord and that as I speak He is knitting my sweet child together in my womb. So even on the hard days I need to remember that He is enough, and nothing can steal my joy without my permission.
So sweet baby..keep growing, I will be sick every day for the rest of my life if it means you are happy and healthy.
As I was cooking dinner tonight I was once again reminded that every blessing comes from the Lord and that as I speak He is knitting my sweet child together in my womb. So even on the hard days I need to remember that He is enough, and nothing can steal my joy without my permission.
So sweet baby..keep growing, I will be sick every day for the rest of my life if it means you are happy and healthy.
A huge thank you to my sweet friend for taking this pictures and capturing such beautiful moments in our life. Please go check out her website..she truly is amazing.
Beautiful post Lacey! We are so very happy for you! I cannot say that I enjoyed my first 14 weeks, but I agree...I would do it again and I'd be sick everyday just the same as long as it means my baby is healthy! You're going to be a wonderful, wonderful mommy! In 13 weeks you can find out the gender of your baby, will you?
My morning sickness (or rather, all day sickness) tip is ginger ale. We stocked our garage with liters and it really helped lessen my nausea...
Thanks Kerry! I am willing to TRY everything! Yes, we plan on finding out the sex! :) In all the hardness there is still so much joy!
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