Tuesday, August 28

9 weeks!

Though I haven't done any posts on pregnancy updates yet I figured why not start now! :) Just a little fun and I think it will be great to look back one day!

Today is:
August 28th 2012

How far along: 9 weeks

Total weight gain: 4 pounds.. :/

Baby is the size of: A grape, 1" and about 0.7 oz.

What's going on with the babe: Lots going on this week! Baby is no longer an embryo, but is now a fetus! Essential body parts are accounted for. This week, baby's heart finishes dividing into the four chambers, and the valves start to form, as do his/her tiny teeth! Organs, muscles and nerves are kicking into gear. External sex organs are there, but wouldn't be distinguishable for a few weeks, yet. Eyes are fully formed, and eyelids are fused shut until about 27 weeks. Baby has tiny earlobes, and the mouth, nose and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough to take over now. So much happening and its just amazing!

What's going on with the mama: My tummy is starting to feel hard and I actually feel more pregnant then just "bloated".. pretty exciting.

Baby is a: Boy or a girl. Long ways to go till we can find out!

Maternity clothing: So far I've just worn some maternity leggings my mom got me..they were so comfortable and I think it won't be long before I need some new jeans!

Sleep: This week hasn't been bad...getting up once a night to pee, my dreams are getting a little crazy which wake me up once and awhile but overall not bad!

Movement: It's happening, but it's too soon to feel it, yet.

Cravings/Aversions:  Still too sick to have a lot of cravings but when I'm feeling ok and the zofran is working well I do seem to mostly crave salty items such as chips or chex mix. Chips and salsa always sounds good but it has given me a little heartburn so I might try to watch that!

- Energy is slowly fading..last week I didn't notice a huge difference but this week I'm noticing how exhausted I feel.
- Nausea. Zofran is still helping, for the most part. I feel worst in the morning, and sometimes the medication doesn't help but overall as long as I take Zofran I am able to do ok.
- Bloating. Finally fading some..turning into a baby bump and not so much bloating!
- Metallic taste. One symptom I haven't really noticed..I don't know if I'm too nausea to notice or if I just don't have it..either way, I'm ok not noticing it!

The best moment(s) of this past week:
- Getting closer to our first appt and having a few better days where I don't feel so sick!

I'm looking forward to:
My first "OB" appointment with Kevin! :)

Overall this pregnancy has been very difficult but I'm just so thankful for this little life inside of me. Trying to remain joyful and focus on the good parts! Thanking God for being the creator!

Thursday, August 16

Oh happy day.

How can I even grasp the fact that the Lord and Creator is the one who spoke this baby into motion?
As I struggle with constant all day vomiting and nausea I easily forget that there is a miracle growing inside of me. As I called the OB doctor today and sounded like a complete first time hot mess mom, she sweetly reminded me that this too will pass, she told me it is overwhelming and scary, but I will get throw it. She did however recommend that I get a prescription to ease my sickness and I am praying that it gives me some relief.
Either way, with my pure exhaustion and fear of whats happening to my body I can forget so easily that something beautiful is going on. God is making a life, He is forming this tiny little person inside of me..and the most amazing part is, He doesn't even need me to do it.
I've been trying so desperately to remain thankful, but between the hormones and me hanging my head over the toilet every five minutes it has been so difficult.
So today I am just going to remember the pure joy that this baby is and will bring us.

I mean oh my goodness..right now my baby has eyelids, he or she has sweet little hands that are starting to form and even as I deal with all this physical and emotional struggle..my sweet baby has doubled in size from last week and is now the size of a blueberry. :) So here's to all you moms out there that have gone through  the very same thing..you are all hero's in my book.

Friday, August 10

Oh my sweet baby!

 For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Psalm 139: 13-15

July 26th 2012 will be a day Kevin and I will remember forever. That is the day we found out we were expecting out first baby. I was overwhelmed, overjoyed, and prancing around like a mad woman. I didn't believe it, so my sweet hubby drove me to the store to buy more tests. After 3 positive tests and a good talk with the sweetest nurse over the phone we decided..pregnant. Kevin just kept smiling, and it was fun to see him excited!

We talked about how we wanted to tell our parents and when we should do the announcement and we had both decided that this was a joyous beautiful time in our life and we would share it right away. Why not waste any time celebrating baby, right?!
That Saturday we bought a "happy birthday grandma" card for both of our moms since their birthdays were in July and I was so excited to share the news. I knew they would both be just full of happiness and I couldn't wait to see the reactions. My family came first and it was such a blessing to tell my mom while my grandparents were still in Wisconsin. They were all giggling and screaming and everyone was SO happy. I just feel so blessed by this tiny little person already, I know it will only get better...but I can't believe how much I love this baby. Sweet one has already changed me.

We got just as much screaming and giggling from Kevin's mom and telling everyone this exciting news has been the best part so far!

Currently I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and I am dealing with almost every symptom in the book. I eat pickles like they are going out of style, I eat EVERYTHING like its going out of style and I am sick almost constantly. I have heard about "morning sickness" my whole life..but never did I imagine it would feel like this. Once again I am so, so thankful that my sickness is a great sign baby is growing strong and healthy and I'm so happy about that but so far being pregnant has been extremely difficult. We are going to pray a lot and continue to try every tip in the book to help ease this sickness.
As I was cooking dinner tonight I was once again reminded that every blessing comes from the Lord and that as I speak He is knitting my sweet child together in my womb. So even on the hard days I need to remember that He is enough, and nothing can steal my joy without my permission.

So sweet baby..keep growing, I will be sick every day for the rest of my life if it means you are happy and healthy.

A huge thank you to my sweet friend for taking this pictures and capturing such beautiful moments in our life. Please go check out her website..she truly is amazing.