Tuesday, November 27


Today is:
November 27, 2012

How far along: 22 weeks

Baby is the size of: A spaghetti squash. At our 20 week appointment he was almost 14 oz..so I would be so curious to see how much he has grown!

What's going on with the babe: He's looking more like a newborn, with distinguished eyes and lips. He's also sleeping in cycles, about 12-14 hrs a day, although most days I wouldn't know that, he moves around so much.

What's going on with the mama: Definitely feeling pregnant these days, some sickness still but overall I have had some really good days!

Baby is a: Boy!

Maternity clothing: Still depends on the item.. but my shirts are getting shorter and shorter.

Sleep: Depends on the night, but usually is much better then 1st trimester!

Movement: Still don't feel him if I'm walking around, but I am sitting still or lying down I am feeling such strong kicks.

Cravings/Aversions: All depends on the day!

I sure hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving. I know I did. Even though baby boy isn't out of the womb I'm so amazed at how he already brings so much joy to our lives. I know I've said it a lot, but I hope I never stop.
This baby is such a miracle.
These last couple months God has been teaching me so much about who He is what He asks of me. He is such a beautiful Lord who is awesome and mighty and even when we walk through sin, hard days, or sadness, He will always remain faithful and good.  I am constantly learning that who He is doesn't depend on my circumstances. He is always good, always the same, and He never changes. This life isn't always easy, being obedient to God is not always easy, but being a child of the King is such a blessing.
So this year as I have reflected on so many blessings, I am most thankful that I am have someone to thank. My life is not by chance, but by a Sovereign God who has everything under control. He has given me my blessings, and I am so thankful that I can thank Him.

Tuesday, November 13

20 weeks...

Today is: November 13th 2012

How far along: 20 weeks...The half way mark.. :)

Total weight gain: Not completely sure as usual.. I think its about 8lbs.. 

Baby is the size of: A banana...about 10.5 oz. and 6.5" We will find out more details tomorrow at our appointment!

What's going on with the babe: Baby is producing meconium, and is swallowing more. Can't believe how big my little peanut is getting!

What's going on with the mama: The top of my uterus is in line with my belly button now and boy does it feel like it! 

Baby is a: Boy or Girl.. we have our first ultrasound tomorrow!!!!! Hoping we can find out!

Maternity clothing: Still half and half on almost everything. I can wear a few of my old jeans but most shirts are getting pretty short!

Sleep: Each night is different, usually if I wake up through out the night it just takes me a long time to fall asleep!

Movement: The movements had been still pretty small but as of this weekend and mostly yesterday, I can feel some large movements. Last night baby was keeping me awake because it honestly felt like he or she was jumping around. :) Daddy was able to feel the baby this week, as well as grandma..those were two VERY exciting moments! 

Cravings/Aversions: Most cravings this week were fruit, and as always.. salt.


- Heartburn.  Usually starts at night, and it can be fierce!

- Sciatic nerve pain.   Thankfully not much..
- Sleepiness. Took a nap yesterday, and some days I feel very tired!
- Achiness.  All day, I can't believe how achy I feel!
- Itching. Yes, but winter doesn't help that!
- Nausea. Is still HERE! Some days its very bad but thankfully I am still having good days. I keep saltines and zofran close. Also gingerale and 7-up have been so helpful!
Emotional-  I feel way more emotional than I did last week..some days are pretty bad!

Overall, I know I've complained a lot during this first 20 weeks and even though I still am not a huge fan of being pregnant, I know that I wouldn't trade this for anything. I am getting more and more anxious to meet this little baby and I know I have a LONG time to go but even though I pretty much hate being pregnant, I love this baby more than anyone could have told me I would. I just can't wait to bring him or her home.
Tomorrow is our first ultra sound and I am SO excited. I can't wait to see my sweet little childs face and watch him or her move around. Not to mention find out if baby is boy or girl! So even in the hard days, there is so much good. God has truly blessed me..and this miracle inside my belly is proof of that!

Tuesday, October 23

17 weeks!

Today is: October 23, 2012

How far along: 17 weeks

Total weight gain: Still am not sure.. I can't really remember my starting weight and seeing as I lost a good 8 pounds first..and now I am finally starting to gain its hard to really know!

Baby is the size of: An onion or a turnip...about 5.1" from head to bum, and 5.9 oz. Can't believe how fast he or she is growing!

What's going on with the babe: Babys cartilage is now turning to bone, and he's putting on fat. Sweat glands are starting to develop. Overall, baby is starting to get much stronger this week.

What's going on with the mama: Well.. pretty much the same...

Baby is a: Boy or Girl.. about 3 more weeks till we find out! This momma is getting very anxious!

Maternity clothing: I am wearing quite a bit of maternity but for the most part a lot still fits. Someone was sweet enough to give me a belly band this weekend so I am excited to try that out..my jeans fit, they just don't button..so that should help! Otherwise I just prefer most maternity clothing, its much more comfortable!

Sleep: Depends on the night.. last night I was up from 3:45 till almost 7 with just brief cat naps in between...but some nights I can sleep almost all night!

Movement: Not much this week which has been disappointing..I am trying not to be concerned, but as baby grows I just wish I could feel more.

Cravings/Aversions: Same old, same old. Still not a fan of chicken..the smell of leftovers still usually sends me to the bathroom and I enjoy anything with salt!  ;)

- Morning sickness/vomiting. Its still here. Each day varies though and I'm very thankful for that!
- Sensitivity to smell. There and seems to be getting worse!
 - Metallic taste. None at all!
- Lightheadedness. I've been noticing a lot of that this week!
 - Acne. The worst its ever been in my life.
 - Emotional. Of course.
- Frequent potty breaks. All day and night.
- Sciatic nerve pain.   Pretty much none, and when it does spike up I head straight to my chiropractor and its gone!

For some reason hitting 17 weeks has been exciting to me..my belly literally popped over night and I feel like I am so close to 20 weeks I can taste it. Overall, I am still not enjoying pregnancy. I am almost constantly uncomfortable and I never feel like myself but I am still just so excited and thankful for this baby. The end result will be very worth it..and that I am looking forward too! I went to a scrapbooking retreat this weekend with my mom and good friend and I will say it was terribly fun working on all things baby! I made some cute decor for the room, and finished a scrapbook that will be used for my pregnancy. So..that made me very excited..and times like those is what get me through the hard days.

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Tuesday, October 16

16 weeks..what??

Can't believe we are on to week 16..baby is growing!

Today is:
October 16, 2012

How far along: 16 weeks

Total weight gain: Still puking almost daily..so I am not really sure. I have my appointment tomorrow and we will find out!

Baby is the size of: An avocado...about 4.5-5" and 3.5 oz.

What's going on with the babe: Baby's patterning of his/her scalp has begun. Toenails are starting to grow. The heart is now pumping 25 quarts of blood per day. He or she can now listen to my voice which makes Momma so happy.

What's going on with the mama:  It's nice to have some of my energy back, I definitely don't feel as fatigued as I did before. Thankfully I have been feeling a little better as well. Sadly I still need to take my Zofran daily and nights can sometimes be horrible but overall I can't complain. I've been having good days and I'm so thankful for that!

Baby is a: Boy or a girl. It will probably be a couple weeks before we find out!

Maternity clothing:  Quite a few. Mostly bottoms as most of my shirts fit but I do have maternity shirts and they are often more comfortable.

Sleep:  Vivid dreams quite often as well as the frequent trips to the bathroom. Some nights are better than others and I nap when I have a bad one!

Movement: Itty bitty flutters. Some days I feel a lot of movement and then I can go days with none at all. When the baby does move and I can feel it, its crazy..he or she is like a dancing queen in there.

Cravings/Aversions:    My aversions still vary, some things sound great then I put it in my mouth and I can barely swallow. Anything thats left over is very hard for me to eat in less K heats it up for me. Smelling cold food almost always sends me to the bathroom! Otherwise cravings also vary, usually anything with salt in it!

- Morning sickness/vomiting. Still there..but I do get good days!
- Sensitivity to smell. Only certain foods!
- Metallic taste   None!
- Acne. I wish it'd just go away already!!!!!
 - Vivid dreams...Almost every other night!
- Headaches.  Maybe once or twice a week!
- Heartburn. Also occasionally, usually at night.
- Emotional. I cry more than I care to admit. Although I feel like thats a little better since entering 2nd trimester!

So much happening!! Grow baby grow!

Thursday, October 4

Lovin' the fall.

Lately I have just been loving fall. I love it every year, and some how I always forget just what a beautiful state I live in. The trees, the smell, the beauty of what God created. He didn't have to give us the colors and all the beauty, but I feel so blessed that He did.

The hubby and I went for a walk to celebrate his birthday. I forget how much I love to take photos of my random walks.

Happy Fall everyone.

                                                            Hello baby...we love you!

Thursday, September 20

oh sweetness.

little baby.
Yesterday I heard your heartbeat for the first time.
It was truly the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. I know I have an entire lifetime to fall in love with you, but I don't know how I could love you any more.
Both your grandmas came with, and they were so happy.
Grandma took a video so I have been listening to your beating heart all day.
I am still in awe, of the miracle that you are. I have been so sick, and have felt so selfish...but you are worth everyday of this terrible sickness.
We serve an awesome Creator, and I can't wait to tell you about the God that knit you together in my womb.

We will have more hard days, but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Tuesday, September 18

12 weeks.

Crazy how fast and how slow this all feels. Can't believe I have hit the 12 week mark. Just a few more weeks and we will be in our 2nd trimester??!!!?!?! Seems crazy.

So far this week hasn't had many changes. I was feeling much better, had an incredible weekend with my friend who got married and barely had any sickness. Then I woke up today at 7am and haven't been out of the bathroom since. Nothing has been staying down most of the day and I feel like my entire apartment is on a boat. I'm doing a little better this afternoon but after having almost an entire week of feeling pretty good today has been rough.

So thankful for my husband who brought me home popsicles, oranges, frosted cherrios and granola bars. (my favorite sick foods) Then started with house chores right away. I don't know what I would do without him.
Anyways, here we go.. pregnancy update week 12!

Today is: September 18, 2012

How far along: 12 weeks

Total weight gain: Not exactly sure.. we don't own a scale..which I will have to change shortly so I can keep better tract!

Baby is the size of: A plum, about 2" and half an ounce.

What's going on with the babe: Baby's intestines are starting to move into the abdominal cavity, and kidneys will begin excreting urine into the bladder. Eyes have moved from the sides to the front of the head now, and ears are where they should be. Everything is in place, and baby's face is looking unquestionably human. Reflexes are now forming, and if I were to poke my abdomen, the baby would react. Fingers and toes are opening and closing as well. So much fun happening this week. Grow baby, grow!

What's going on with the mama: They say hormones are toning down some, which means first trimester symptoms should begin subsiding but after today I'm not so sure!

Baby is a: Boy or Girl... little ways to go yet!

Maternity clothing: Some. Mostly just on any type of pants. Most shirts fit okay but my jeans are not very comfortable.

Sleep: This week sleep has been good. I was able to get an adjustment from my chiropractor and that made the world of difference. Haven't had any headaches this week and my hips felt great. Still getting up a few times but overall it has been better.

Movement: It's happening, but I've yet to feel it. I don't have any clue what I'm look for so I'm not sure when I'll even know!

Cravings/Aversions: Nothing major. The usual craving is still anything carb related. Subway is usually my number 1 choice but I have craved cucumbers a lot as well. Oh, and watermelon..but I don't think that craving has anything to do with pregnancy! So far nothing major and it changes daily based on how I feel. At this point most sweets turn me off. Once and awhile I want vanilla ice cream at night but anything super sweet doesn't even sound good. I guess thats a good thing though!

- Still a little fatigued at times.
- Nausea is different every..single..day. I will have a few good days, then like today..I get hit really hard. Overall though I keep saying, I will take puking 3-4 times in the morning over puking 3-4 times all day any day. And, if I get 3 or 4 good days for every 1 bad day thats okay too. Anything is better then that horrible 24 hour stuff!
- Metallic taste I'm still not noticing a lot. Once and awhile I can taste it but usually if I just brush my teeth it goes away!
- Sciatica. I had noticed just a little bit but not anymore thanks to my lovely Dr. Conn!

I'm looking forward to:
-Another OB appointment tomorrow to see if little stubborn in there will let us hear his or her heartbeat!

Tuesday, September 11

11 weeks.

I woke up today feeling very thankful.
Humbled that I am home safe and sound with my sweet baby growing strong and so grateful for the men and women that are making it possible. I also found it a little ironic that today marks 11 weeks on Sept 11 2012.
I still remember exactly what I was doing 11 years ago, and I don't think I'll ever forget.

Today is: Sept 11 2012

How far along:
11 weeks
Total weight gain:  I am a little unsure. With all the puking I believe I dropped again. 
Baby is the size of:  About the size of a fig, over 1 inch now!

What's going on with the babe: 
Besides still making momma really sick, baby is almost completely formed. Her sweet hands can almost open and close into fists and some of her bones are starting to harden.

What's going on with the mama:
Still exhausted, still sick most days, but thankfully no new pregnancy symptoms have appeared.
Baby is a: Boy or a girl. About 9 more weeks till we know!
Maternity clothing: Only a few. Most shirts fit me ok, but my jeans are pretty uncomfortable. I love leggings and the one pair of maternity jeans I have!
Sleep: Is still just okay. This week has been better, only getting up once a night to pee.
Movement: It's happening, but it's too soon to feel it, yet.

Not really. It just depends on how my tummy feels. Meat is still one of my least favorite items and any type of bread is usually what I crave. 

The best moment(s) of this past week:

Having a few good days and actually being able to cook dinner without gagging!

Our first OB appointment was last week and though it was nice to meet everyone and get it out of the way, we were unable to hear the heartbeat and most of the appointment was a little overwhelming for me. My midwife explained we have nothing to worry about as she said I my uterus is tilted backwards and that can make it hard to hear the heartbeat. She said everything else looks really good but just to double check I see her next week at 12 weeks to try again. If we don't hear it at that point she would like to schedule an ultrasound just to make sure everything is peachy!
We were sent home with so MUCH information and I have been to many of my friends OB appointments so it was weird, but fun to be the Momma this time!
It's been nice being at home, it gives me time to rest and sleep when I get hit really hard with the sickness and it gives me more time to really get excited. I've been thinking about baby a lot these last couple of days and we have a long ways to go but I'm already excited to see his or her face!

Hoping this is an even better week than last and I feel better everyday. Till then we keep the zofran and bed close and keep on praying!

Thursday, September 6


Today has been a good day. I'm sure it has a lot to do with the medication but either way I am thankful. I cooked hamburger meat tonight..for the first time in almost 8 weeks I was able to stand over the stove and cook dinner. And the best part??? I didn't gag or have to run to the bathroom once.

I am having a baby....and in my constant sickness, and my battle to feel truly excited I desperately want my sweet child to know that even now, I love this baby so deeply, so completely, and I already can't imagine my life without him or her. 
No can prepare for you this, every day I am learning that I need God's grace more than ever. I need Christ to pour into me and I want to be filled with His spirit.
The funny part is, I know this is ONLY the beginning. Our lives have just started the change, and we are in for a real treat. 

I blog so I can look back and remember, and someday years from now I want to remember that this might be hard..but I am just so thankful.
Glory to God, forever.

Tuesday, September 4

10 weeks and counting...

Today marks 10 weeks, and we are praying everyday that we are getting one day closer to feeling better. Today was another rough one, but it was also my first day staying home. Last week was my last week at work and though it was very bittersweet, I was just so thankful to sit around when I felt the constant urge to run to the bathroom. Baby is growing, and I can't believe all that starts happening. He or she can now bend and kick his legs, he can swallow fluids and though I can feel it yet, baby is supposedly moving around like crazy.

Tomorrow is our first appointment and I am so excited. Hoping to hear the heartbeat and it will be so nice to chat with my doctor and ease some of my anxiety!

Overall not a lot to update.. still sick everyday, still so thankful for this little peanut and still growing in size everyday.
I sure do love this tiny little person.

Tuesday, August 28

9 weeks!

Though I haven't done any posts on pregnancy updates yet I figured why not start now! :) Just a little fun and I think it will be great to look back one day!

Today is:
August 28th 2012

How far along: 9 weeks

Total weight gain: 4 pounds.. :/

Baby is the size of: A grape, 1" and about 0.7 oz.

What's going on with the babe: Lots going on this week! Baby is no longer an embryo, but is now a fetus! Essential body parts are accounted for. This week, baby's heart finishes dividing into the four chambers, and the valves start to form, as do his/her tiny teeth! Organs, muscles and nerves are kicking into gear. External sex organs are there, but wouldn't be distinguishable for a few weeks, yet. Eyes are fully formed, and eyelids are fused shut until about 27 weeks. Baby has tiny earlobes, and the mouth, nose and nostrils are more distinct. The placenta is developed enough to take over now. So much happening and its just amazing!

What's going on with the mama: My tummy is starting to feel hard and I actually feel more pregnant then just "bloated".. pretty exciting.

Baby is a: Boy or a girl. Long ways to go till we can find out!

Maternity clothing: So far I've just worn some maternity leggings my mom got me..they were so comfortable and I think it won't be long before I need some new jeans!

Sleep: This week hasn't been bad...getting up once a night to pee, my dreams are getting a little crazy which wake me up once and awhile but overall not bad!

Movement: It's happening, but it's too soon to feel it, yet.

Cravings/Aversions:  Still too sick to have a lot of cravings but when I'm feeling ok and the zofran is working well I do seem to mostly crave salty items such as chips or chex mix. Chips and salsa always sounds good but it has given me a little heartburn so I might try to watch that!

- Energy is slowly fading..last week I didn't notice a huge difference but this week I'm noticing how exhausted I feel.
- Nausea. Zofran is still helping, for the most part. I feel worst in the morning, and sometimes the medication doesn't help but overall as long as I take Zofran I am able to do ok.
- Bloating. Finally fading some..turning into a baby bump and not so much bloating!
- Metallic taste. One symptom I haven't really noticed..I don't know if I'm too nausea to notice or if I just don't have it..either way, I'm ok not noticing it!

The best moment(s) of this past week:
- Getting closer to our first appt and having a few better days where I don't feel so sick!

I'm looking forward to:
My first "OB" appointment with Kevin! :)

Overall this pregnancy has been very difficult but I'm just so thankful for this little life inside of me. Trying to remain joyful and focus on the good parts! Thanking God for being the creator!

Thursday, August 16

Oh happy day.

How can I even grasp the fact that the Lord and Creator is the one who spoke this baby into motion?
As I struggle with constant all day vomiting and nausea I easily forget that there is a miracle growing inside of me. As I called the OB doctor today and sounded like a complete first time hot mess mom, she sweetly reminded me that this too will pass, she told me it is overwhelming and scary, but I will get throw it. She did however recommend that I get a prescription to ease my sickness and I am praying that it gives me some relief.
Either way, with my pure exhaustion and fear of whats happening to my body I can forget so easily that something beautiful is going on. God is making a life, He is forming this tiny little person inside of me..and the most amazing part is, He doesn't even need me to do it.
I've been trying so desperately to remain thankful, but between the hormones and me hanging my head over the toilet every five minutes it has been so difficult.
So today I am just going to remember the pure joy that this baby is and will bring us.

I mean oh my goodness..right now my baby has eyelids, he or she has sweet little hands that are starting to form and even as I deal with all this physical and emotional struggle..my sweet baby has doubled in size from last week and is now the size of a blueberry. :) So here's to all you moms out there that have gone through  the very same thing..you are all hero's in my book.

Friday, August 10

Oh my sweet baby!

 For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother's womb.
 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Psalm 139: 13-15

July 26th 2012 will be a day Kevin and I will remember forever. That is the day we found out we were expecting out first baby. I was overwhelmed, overjoyed, and prancing around like a mad woman. I didn't believe it, so my sweet hubby drove me to the store to buy more tests. After 3 positive tests and a good talk with the sweetest nurse over the phone we decided..pregnant. Kevin just kept smiling, and it was fun to see him excited!

We talked about how we wanted to tell our parents and when we should do the announcement and we had both decided that this was a joyous beautiful time in our life and we would share it right away. Why not waste any time celebrating baby, right?!
That Saturday we bought a "happy birthday grandma" card for both of our moms since their birthdays were in July and I was so excited to share the news. I knew they would both be just full of happiness and I couldn't wait to see the reactions. My family came first and it was such a blessing to tell my mom while my grandparents were still in Wisconsin. They were all giggling and screaming and everyone was SO happy. I just feel so blessed by this tiny little person already, I know it will only get better...but I can't believe how much I love this baby. Sweet one has already changed me.

We got just as much screaming and giggling from Kevin's mom and telling everyone this exciting news has been the best part so far!

Currently I am almost 7 weeks pregnant and I am dealing with almost every symptom in the book. I eat pickles like they are going out of style, I eat EVERYTHING like its going out of style and I am sick almost constantly. I have heard about "morning sickness" my whole life..but never did I imagine it would feel like this. Once again I am so, so thankful that my sickness is a great sign baby is growing strong and healthy and I'm so happy about that but so far being pregnant has been extremely difficult. We are going to pray a lot and continue to try every tip in the book to help ease this sickness.
As I was cooking dinner tonight I was once again reminded that every blessing comes from the Lord and that as I speak He is knitting my sweet child together in my womb. So even on the hard days I need to remember that He is enough, and nothing can steal my joy without my permission.

So sweet baby..keep growing, I will be sick every day for the rest of my life if it means you are happy and healthy.

A huge thank you to my sweet friend for taking this pictures and capturing such beautiful moments in our life. Please go check out her website..she truly is amazing. 

Friday, June 22

Summer Nights

we love being together, and we love taking walks....tonight, we did just that.

Wednesday, June 13


One of my absolute favorite things about our new apartment is the windows and ALL the light that comes in. When I come down my stairs every morning (usually with a poor attitude about heading to work) I am blown away with the sun that shines through. And every morning I am reminded how selfish I'm being for my bad attitude. I know that lately all my posts have been the little lessons I learn on a daily basis but I think that's why I started this blog, so that I can always go back and remember what the Lord is doing in my life.
So this morning as I came down those stairs I prayed, and I thanked God for the blessing of the sun. We take so much for granted...and we have SO much to be thankful for. K and I have had some transitions in the last couple of months but that is what makes life...life and I am excited for these new changes.

Speaking of which, I can't wait to get this place organized and get some pictures posted. I have picked curtains for the kitchen and most things have a place now. Oh, and did I mention that I LOVE doing laundry?? How fun that I can just walk down to our BASEMENT and I can do my own laundry without putting quarters to make it run. I never thought I would be so happy about laundry but wow, I am so happy every time I start a new load.

So see, life can get so serious sometimes, and though we have so much to be serious about..the little things is what makes this life just so fun. I have so much to smile about, and most days I don't even know.

happy Wednesday in Jesus Christ. I'm going to go eat a bowl of ice cream and snuggle with my favorite person ever. 


Friday, May 18


"May the God of hope fill you with
 all joy and peace in believing,
 so that by the power of the
 Holy Spirit you
 may abound in hope"
Romans 15:13

I have read this verse so many times this week trying to focus my mind and heart on my Heavenly Father remembering that nothing on this earth can steal my joy. Lately I have let the "little"  things of this world fill me with an overwhelming sense of frustration. I've been crabby, short tempered and have dealt with sadness for no reason. This is a problem that has been with me my entire life and I am daily trying to remember that my joy comes from the Lord, and the things of this earth mean little when compared to eternity. I have to remember that my only purpose on this earth is to bring Glory to my Creator and when I sit in Heaven at the feet of Jesus shouting praises to the King, I will think not at all of this world. I have to constantly remind myself that He has given me hope, a truth, and a promise that His love will endure forever so even though I allow the stresses of moving, my husband starting a new job, some long weeks of work, or whatever else I LET take control of my emotions none of it can take away my joy without my permission. This is a hard, hard thing to do, always choosing joy instead of anger, choosing peace instead of stress, choosing trust instead of fear, but thankfully I have Jesus who is always by my side. He pursues my heart, and is always so faithful to remind me just how big He is. This week as I have been packing all this "stuff" in my tiny apartment I've been humbled to remember that I could live in a far off village with one outfit, dirty water, little food, and every day would be a struggle to simply survive. Instead, my stress everyday is that I have too much "stuff" to pack. How silly is that?!?! Instead, I should be changing my heart to remember that every little thing I put in a box is a blessing, a gift from someone we love, or something that Kevin and I have added to our life. So even though exhaustion sometimes takes over and I allow these stresses to try and steal my joy, I can remember that they aren't stresses at all, they are beautiful pieces of my life..down to the smallest pan, it's probably one more pan then someone else has and I should be extremely thankful that I can put it in a box.
You see, even though I fail every..single..day..and even though I'm not bold enough in my actions, or my words, I firmly believe with my whole heart that there will be a day, when the burdens of this place will be gone, and I know that I will see Jesus face to face.

I don't want to waste this life with work stress, day to day stress, or any other trial that gets in my way because my joy comes from the Lord, and under any circumstance He is good.

So today, I am thankful for these boxes. I am thankful that they are piled up high because each one represents a blessing that God has given even though I don't deserve any of them. Today I am thankful for a husband, who has helped me fill these boxes not just with "stuff" but with memories, for he has given me so much to treasure.
Today, I am thankful that even through my bad attitude and sinful nature my God loves me, and he harshly and lovingly teaches me the lessons I need to remember.

happy friday friends... be joyful and remember that this life is short, we can not waste a single day.

Wednesday, April 25

Source: Pinterest

Remember when I told everyone this news?
Well, On Sunday I finished my first Half Marathon. Oshkosh put on a great race and it was a chilly but sunny morning. The weather really was perfect!
I have been dealing with weeks of sickness so my training as been little and I was honestly thinking that I would not be able to run the race. Well, about two days before the race I just decided that I was going to do it so even if I had to walk some I was going to cross that finish line.
It was hard, exhausting, and absolutely worth every minute I pushed myself. I had to take a lot of walking breaks, and my muscles have been aching all week but I can hardly wait to start running again and start preparing for the next one. It really is a great experience and honestly, loads of fun!

Here are a few cell phone pictures of my brother, sweet friend Jen and our friend Josiah!
What a great day!