Wednesday, July 27


"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"
Matthew 6:21

As I think back to that sunny, warm summer day I am flooded with waves of all sorts of emotions. I remember waking up with excitement, fear, joy, contentment, peace, and above 
I don't think I have ever smiled as much as i did that day. I was so excited to see my groom, and it was amazing watching the entire day unfold.
I remember thinking, this is God giving me a small piece of Heaven, and I couldn't help but thank Him for giving me my very own fairytale.  In that moment, I saw the world through His eyes, and it was a beautiful thing.
There are moments in your life, that I believe you will remember forever. Moments that God intended to hit you so hard they are forever imprinted on your heart. For me, my wedding day was on of those days.
 It's hard not to get too mushy in this blog post but I will restrain as much as possible.Really though, why not boast and brag in the beauty of love. I know its a gift from God and He deserves all the glory. All the good that came from that day was created just for me and Kevin, just typing that nearly brings me to tears because I am so incredibly thankful for that gift. I pray I never forget, just how blessed I am.

this last year has been a whirlwind, but such an incredible journey. Kevin and I have honestly enjoyed every minute and though there were tough times, the love we share so outweighs the bad.

Being a wife has taught me so much, and its hard to put into words the changes that have been made in me this last year. I pray that only continues to grow and through marriage God continues to stretch me and push me far greater than I can imagine.
( for some reason I think He will)
People keep telling me that after this first year the "honeymoon" stage is over, I would like to prove them wrong.

You have by far been the greatest blessing in my life.
You love me when I'm unlovable.
You push me when I feel like giving up.
You respect me when my whiny and sassy attitude comes out.
And through your actions you teach me everyday what love and beauty truly are.

I told you once that you are a true example of God's grace and faithfulness in my life, and I hope you always remember that no matter what life brings will always be my favorite.

I thank God for you everyday, and I can't imagine where I would be without you.
thanks for being my treasure.

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