Wednesday, October 6

What I'm loving Wednesday...

I'm loving sitting on the couch at my parents house waiting for clothes to dry. It's SUCH a blessing being able to not PAY for my laundry this week.

I'm loving this beautiful fall weather. Watching God's handiwork as the leaves turn colors.

I'm loving that I got a little extra sleep this morning, I've been SO tired lately.

I'm loving that even though its only been a day, I'm missing my hubby so much.

I'm loving that today I received a new lens for my camera, and this weekend I get to capture the precious moments at my friends wedding.

I'm loving that God has been tugging at my heart lately, I need to listen to Him SO much more.

Most of all, today I'm loving that this time next week I will be with my brother. He has been gone for 3 months at basic training and next Thursday he graduates.

I'm loving my God is so good.


Venessa said...

What a great list! I love sleeping in! Hopefully on saturday I will be able to do that!

Venessa said...

BTW, I tagged you on my blog...hope you play along!