On July 31st, 2010 I married my best friend, and the most incredible man God has ever blessed me with. I still can't believe he chose me to be his wife and I simply can't wait to spend forever with him.
Before I get to far in describing my fairytale wedding let me give you all a little background. I met Kevin in 2005 after I went on a mission trip with Kevin's sister Ellen. After Kevin waited patiently for me to grow up and finally "see the light" as he puts it we went on our first date in August of 2009. Kevin took me geochaching and I had such a great day. He was shy, but adorable. Always putting me first and being the perfect gentleman. We hiked almost all day and I remember blushing because as we got back to the car for a break he packed a water bottle and a small snack. It was so thoughtful and incredibly sweet. I hadn't met anyone who better thought of those around him. I didn't know it then, but I was very much hooked.
We continued our relationship through his deployment to Kuwait and on July 2nd, Kevin proposed.
My brother joined the Military a few weeks before KJ proposed and was suppose to leave for Basic on Aug. 3. This left Kevin in and I in a little bit of a dilemma. Wait over 6 to 7 months to get married, or do it in 4 weeks. We prayed, talked, and thought carefully about our decision but decided that we didn't want to wait. We felt very strongly that the Lord was guiding us to marriage and so we decided that July 31st was the date.
I was terrified, excited, nervous and feeling so many emotions. We were both so excited, but had no clue how to pull off a wedding in 4 weeks.
I will just take this time to add that I have the most amazing Mom, family and friends in the world who pulled together to give Kevin and I all that we had ever dreamed of. My wedding was perfect, and it wasn't because of the flowers, or the food, or the decorations. Though all of those things were AMAZING. It was because God brought together a man and a woman who dedicated their lives to one another!
My sweet and beautiful friend Kayla captured beautiful pictures of my day. Please take a look for yourself and see what God has given me. I don't know everything there is to know about marriage, and maybe I never will. What I do know is that I married my best friend. God has joined together to people and we will treasure one another always. I pray that I can be the helpmate he has always wanted and that throughout this life together I will only grow to be a better wife each day. My heart is full and happy and I feel so blessed and honored to now be his wife.

I have dreamed of this day since I was a little girl, and even with all of that dreaming, I can't imagine God blessing me with a better day. As Kj and I drove away from what seemed like just a minute in time, we couldn't believe how incredibly happy we were. To be man and wife.

"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"
Matthew 6:21
Matthew 6:21
Thanks for stoppy by my blog!
Lovely outdoor wedding! If I was n't such a wimp and worried about weather, I would've loved to do a romantic lawn wedding! Congrats and many blessings!
You had such a sweet day! I was so blessed to be there!! You are beautiful!!!
beautiful pictures! congratulations!
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