My grandparents are two of the most amazing people I know and I am blessed to have two people that love me that much, they opened up their home and I will never be able to fully express in words how grateful I am to them, my Aunt and Uncle and everyone else in Texas who made me feel welcomed. The love they have for me is overwhelming.
2009 was full of excitement, heartbreak, change, memories, friends, new relationships, failures, new friendships, and lots and lots of searching for God's all surpassing peace and forgiveness.
I have come to realize that life is an everyday new challenge and we must Seek the Face of God every moment if we are to live a truly happy life. He is our all in all and even in all of my failures and screw ups, He always has me in the palm of His hands.
I look forward to this upcoming year and to watch as God works in the lives of others and myself, it is so exciting to watch as His will is revealed!
A few exciting things that will be happening in 2010!
Starting a new semester and working hard at school.
Kevin coming HOME! :)
Grant and Ericha welcoming Lilah in March!!!
Spending time with the people that are most important to me.
I pray God guides me in Wisdom as I begin to start a new year! We never know what life may bring, but we can be prepared to trust all wonderful Jesus every step of the way!
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