Monday, November 23


Thankfulness..even through the storms of life God commands us to Praise Him and give thanks unto the Lord!

Psalm 100

Make a joyful shout to the Lord, all you lands!
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before His presence with singing,
Know that the Lord, He is God;
It is He who has made us, and

not we ourselves;
We are His people and the
sheep of His pasture.
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,
And into His courts with praise,

Be thankful to Him, and bless
His name.
For the Lord is good
His mercy is everlasting,

And His truth endures to all generations.

Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday..I love spending time with my family and being all together. I know that we should be thankful every day of the year but I love that when Fall rolls around and everyone starts to get excited for Christmas, we can slow down from the craziness of life and just be, thankful.

Top 10 things I am Thankful for:

1. My Savior and King, and that He gave us His Word to study and learn
2. The blessings that each one of my family members has given me, even though they may not know it.
3. God's unending mercy and grace, He has truly poured it upon me.
4. All the "little" people in my life, they bring me so much joy.
5. The time in Texas God has blessed me with, allowing me to be with my family here and meet such encouraging and uplifting people at Church.
6. A boyfriend that may be far away, but is safe and healthy.
7. For each day of Sunshine
8. That even though I complain, legs and feet that allow me to walk each day.
9. For ONLINE classes. I never thought I would be thankful for those but if it wasn't for technology I would not be able to be in Texas.
10. God's all surpassing Peace and the Truth He holds in His Promises.

I could make a list of 100 things but those are just a few that I have been thankful for these last couple of months.
I only have 35 short days left in Texas and I can't believe how fast the time has just flown by. In two weeks I will be finished with my third semester in college, I'll be headed back home, and then we will enter in to 2010. It never amazes me how fast life can change, even though I say it a hundred times it just never seems to make it any more believable when suddenly you wonder where the time has gone.

I have had many blessings in 2009 and though it wasn't always the most pleasant of changes, God has brought beautiful things from them.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.
I am truly Thankful for you.....

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