Wednesday, April 25

Source: Pinterest

Remember when I told everyone this news?
Well, On Sunday I finished my first Half Marathon. Oshkosh put on a great race and it was a chilly but sunny morning. The weather really was perfect!
I have been dealing with weeks of sickness so my training as been little and I was honestly thinking that I would not be able to run the race. Well, about two days before the race I just decided that I was going to do it so even if I had to walk some I was going to cross that finish line.
It was hard, exhausting, and absolutely worth every minute I pushed myself. I had to take a lot of walking breaks, and my muscles have been aching all week but I can hardly wait to start running again and start preparing for the next one. It really is a great experience and honestly, loads of fun!

Here are a few cell phone pictures of my brother, sweet friend Jen and our friend Josiah!
What a great day!

Saturday, April 7


"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."

I have a lot of my mind this Easter weekend, and it doesn't include bunnies, or easter eggs, it doesn't have anything to do with baskets full of goodies or yummy treats, but a cross, a Savior who died, and a sinner like me forgiven. His love for us is beyond any words I can write, and no amount of gratitude or thankfulness will ever express what I'm feeling.