Monday, June 13


Sometimes we just need things to make us smile..this is why I love photography, you can capture moments that no matter what mood you're in when you take a minute to look at that picture you can't help but smile.

If you weren't smiling before, I hope you are now.

Thursday, June 9

Beautiful Lord.

I don't have a lot to say except that we serve a beautiful Lord. There could possibly be some big changes in our household but one thing that always remains is our beautiful, and merciful Lord. He is constant, He is strong, He is always true. His promises and grace that spill on my life are overwhelming, I can't imagine what it would be like without them.

I pray you are all having a wonderful week, and if you are having a tough one, remember..On that Cross He showed his love for us, He is awesome and mighty and we should always be captured by the love we see.
He is tender and Holy, and He loves us so much.

Wednesday, June 1

Mean what you say.

Today I accomplished a goal, it may seem small to some, but I accomplished something I said I would do.
Today I ran my fastest mile and I did it knowing I could finish. I didn't watch the distance on the treadmill, I didn't tell myself I was tired, I just ran.
It's hard in todays world to keep our commitments and mean what we say but its something that was always taught in my home growing up. I still fail a lot, but I'm working on only saying what I know I can follow through with. I've been saying for awhile that I want to run 3 miles by the end of summer, and today..for the first time I knew that I could do it. So for me, this mile wasn't so much about the exercise, but more about finishing something that I have started. I can't wait to blog when I have completed the 3 miles.