Tuesday, November 30

We must always Cherish.

I had the strangest thing happen to me today.
So strange I thought it best to share.

I was standing at the bathroom sink about to wash up one of my residents for the day.
I went for the closet, grabbing a new bar of soap. 
Suddenly as I unwrapped the soon to be slippery soap the scent overwhelmed me and I
was stopped in my tracks.
What was it?
Why did that scent of that soap SMELL so familiar?
It took me minutes to finally figure it out.
Grandma Faye and Granddaddy.
That is what that strange smell coming from the bubbly sink reminded me of.
You see, for some odd reason I was suddenly a little girl standing in my great grandparents bathroom and 
that is the scent I remember.
Dial soap.
They must have used it because I could so vividly remember that smell so many years ago.
That lead me into a long train of memories with my two sweet great grandparents.
It mostly reminded me of Grandma Faye though.
Her smile, her touch, the way she laughed as her family entered the room, or the giggles that would spew out of her when her grandchildren did something funny.
I was very little, and my memories are faint and few, but they are there.
I remember her crippled body kneeling on the ground to play with L and I.
I remember how she use to let us go in the back room and play with the toys.
She had a smile that always made me happy.
It's funny how I was so little, but her memory is forever imprinted on my heart.

I loved her so much, and can remember that her death was one of the first "real" losses I had suffered or felt.
I still remember sitting at her funeral, not really understanding..but so deeply hurting.
I can still see the tears in the eyes of my family members as we said our goodbyes.

What a memory, and what a moment I had today standing in the bathroom at work.

I can't wait to see her again one day, and grasp on her hand as we always use to do.

Sunday, November 28

I can't Wait...

I haven't had much time to blog lately.
So I figured tonight would be a good night to do so.
My husband is working on a car, the house is quiet, and my Sugar Plum Spice
Tea is so yummy to my tummy.

I've been working on homework all afternoon.
I can't wait to be done with this semester.

My house is very dirty.
I can't wait to have enough time to clean it.
I realize I'm sitting on my blog instead of cleaning but I did pick it up some this morning.
(so that counts, Right?)

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I worked in the morning and then Kj and I headed to his parents house for the day.
We ate a delicious meal cooked my my Mother in law, played games, watched some football,
made Turkey cookies, laughed a WHOLE bunch, and had an amazing day.
It was my first Thanksgiving without my mom..and it was a little weird. I missed my family but
am so thankful to be blessed with awesome in laws. I honestly love them, and we all have so much fun together.
Kj makes everyone laugh, which most wouldn't guess from him...but get him around his family and he really lights up the room. I love watching him with his family, he keeps everyone smiling.
I can't wait for the next family gathering.

Christmas is coming..
I can not wait....

What are you looking forward to this Christmas Season?
Last year..KJ was in Kuwait. My heart missed him so..but not this year..this year he is with ME!
We are so looking forward to putting up a tree, and putting up a few small decorations.
I bought a few at Hobby Lobby on Black Friday.
I love them.

Sunday, November 21


This picture makes me happy. I love fall, I love Wisconsin, I love that this captures them all.

Happy Thanksgiving Week to you all, count your blessings.

Wednesday, November 17

Wednesdays Full of Wisdom..Thankful.

This entire month I have posted something on facebook that I am thankful for. What a great reminder it has been.

Each day I sit down and think of something to thank God for..I love it. Then I think about that thing or person all day and continue to pray about it.

Today was Learning.
As frustrating as school is most days, I truly am thankful that God has given me the ability to learn. And not only in school, but in everyday things, work and life. What would this world be like if we couldn't learn.

These past couple of months I have had to learn how to cook, plan meals, clean an apartment, take care of my husband, be a wife, the anatomy of the human body, how to do better at my job, fax orders to Doctors without sounding like an idiot, drive a stick shift, bake pumpkin break

Friday, November 12


I couldn't help myself...I am sure everyone is getting sick of reading about Shutterfly but come on..its an amazing deal! I was just telling KJ last week how this being our first Christmas together I would love to send out some cute Christmas cards. Then I logged online to read that Shutterfly was offering this amazing deal! 50 FREE Christmas Cards!!!! Read more about it Here.

They have SO many amazing deals and specials and I love all of their stuff. I have used them before and have never been disappointed!
Please, head on over and check out some of their great stuff. Pretty Christmas cards, awesome Calendars, and even canvas art! I can't wait to get some sent out! There are SO many beautiful options so please, please, please! GO check it out! :)

Tuesday, November 9


I love this family. And was so happy to capture some moments.

Friday, November 5

Good day.

Today was one of those days you love.

Lazy day at home, but with much accomplished.

Kj got a day off, which was much needed. In fact, it was an answered prayer. We have both been overwhelmed lately, and feeling a little down each night. It's been tough, but we have both been praying and today was just what we needed. God is so faithful, and I'm so thankful for the love He spills over His children.

The apartment is clean, and I was able to enjoy every minute with my husband. He makes me so happy. Can you believe it's been 3 months already? I feel like it was just yesterday he was headed to Kuwait and I was waiting anxiously by my computer for each and every email.

Now it's time to get ready for a fun-filled weekend with a 9 month old. My friend is dropping off her little girl so her and the hubby can get away for the weekend. He just returned from a 7 month deployment from Afghanistan and it will be so nice for them to spend some time together. Kj and I are also looking forward to having a baby all weekend. :)

I'm hoping to add some pictures soon, darn internet connection is SO slow. :)

Have a great weekend. Enjoy every moment.

Monday, November 1


That does not begin to describe how I've been feeling.

What's in store for this week?

Sloppy Joes
Visit from friends and Chicken Alfredo
Trip to my parents
Lunch date with a friend
(Hopefully) Photo shoot with the cousins
Canceled class (grin)
And the start of a weekend with a 8 month old.

I also am starting my Thankful List.

Today, I'm thankful for a finished power point presentation....

What are you thankful for?