Monday, September 27

[Mini] Vacation

This past weekend Kj, my father in law and I traveled to Kansas. The boys spent the day at a Diesel drag racing event and I had the chance to visit my sweet friend Kayla.
Her and her husband just moved and I was so excited to see the life they are starting.
Let me tell you, it was

God has big plans for that little family of 3 and I can't wait to watch it unfold.

Her friendship is one I cherish and even with the miles between us, I know I can always count on her.
She is truly beautiful inside and out..and I loved being able to spend some time together.
I only got the day with her and her wonderful family but I loved every minute of it. I'm only adding a few shots but we had a great weekend and it only reminded me of how much I love her.
And miss her....

Kansas storm...
The girls were almost peeing their pants.

I couldn't go without posting a picture of her adorable 7 month old son, Levi. This little guy has a piece of my heart and I have been so blessed to know him. I soaked him up while I was there and look forward to someday, visiting again.

Monday, September 20

October is soon approaching.

This year it means more then ever..Breast cancer has entered my family once again.
And it never gets easier.
My Grandma is a Breast Cancer survivor, and pretty soon my aunt will be too.
Thank you God for your love and grace that has walked with us through this time.

Before you even blink,
Breast cancer can enter your family.
It might change us, but it doesn't have to define us.

I'm glad God gave you to be my family,
I can't imagine where I would be without you.
I'm so glad I don't have too...

To all those who have suffered, our suffering, or have even lost a loved one to Breast cancer...
My heart and prayers are with you.

A big shout out to Nicole Owens for all her work.
She makes beautiful pieces and I'm honored to be wearing one of them.

Sunday, September 19

Take a Walk...with me.

Take a walk with me has kind of become a tradition.
About every month I try to take a walk, and think about all of you as I take hundreds of shots all around.
I pray, think, smile and soak up as much as I can as my finger constantly snaps away. I love every moment of it.
It's one of my most favorite things in life..simply walking.
Yesterday was a beautiful fall day with the perfect breeze, gorgeous sunlight, and amazing lighting for pictures.
I was in a great mood and couldn't think of anything else I would
rather do then take my Cannon for a walk.

It was also my friend Tricia's 21st birthday party so I threw one of her in there. We did a
masquerade themed party and she looked amazing.

I hope you all got a little time this weekend to enjoy really does go by so quickly and as I was walking and talking with God yesterday I realized how much of this week I've wasted by rushing around.
I probably missed so many precious moment that God blessed me with.
Yesterday He revealed some of His most amazing creation, and I'm so thankful my eyes were open to see it.

His love is so outstanding, I love being His child.

Wednesday, September 15

Wednesday full of Wisdom

Coffee in hand, mind is spinning, and I've already blogged once today. Mostly because I was so frustrated that I knew if I didn't start typing I might've screamed.

I'm not sitting at my parents house waiting for my clothes to wash. ( Our washer and dryer at the apartment make my clothes smell..its disgusting)

I opened my blog this morning and something went.very.bad. In fact, so bad that I lost my old layout  completely and all of the design. I'm so frustrated with messing around with the design and layout that I'm just not touching it for awhile. I simply do not have any time to invest on it right now. So, even though technology kicked my butt today..I will just be thankful with what I did recover and smile.

This week, I've failed miserably at spending time with God. It's also so frustrating.
I've been so overwhelmed with everything else that as I walk through my house in a haze I just haven't made  time to read my Bible. I'm so devestated by that news and I know God probably isn't thrilled about it either. I know He loves me, and I know how much He desperately wants to teach me.

I must start making time..for you see, His word is filled with such wonderful things.

Psalm 5:11

"But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you."
His love is so overwhelming because it's so good. I'm so thankful that even when I slack off, which is sadly every day..He is always waiting for me.

I don't have much wisdom today because I've been so frustrated that I haven't taken much time to listen to my God.
So instead of making stuff up and lying to myself and to you, I'll just admit it... I've got nothing. This week, I didn't let God teach me much because I didn't take the time to listen. That very statement is heartbreaking..this week, my flesh won.

Most days I can not wait for Heaven....
today, is one of those days.


Today I am frustrated.

Frustrated with my blog.
Frustrated with Technology.
Frustrated with college.
Frustrated with my messy house.
Frustrated, frustrated, frustrated.

Oh a much HAPPIER I am doing something that I have wanted to do for a very long time.

I'm registering for my very first photography class. I can hardly wait..I shake with excitement. I can't wait to walk in with my camera in hand eagerly ready to learn. This is a dream for me, and I'm so thankful for the chance to learn.

Monday, September 13


Today was a good day.

You see I had a date..not with my husband.
With my new best friend..I am head-over-heals- [in love] with this guy.
So much that yes, I [named] him.

We had a great time in the kitchen today..he helped me bake some absolutely delicious items.

 Banana Choc. and Butterscotch Chip Bread
Which I cut up and only left two pieces for KJ and I.
I'm freezing the rest so I don't gain 15 pounds in the next two days.

Pumpkin Spice Muffins

I also made supper.

It was a great day in the kitchen.
Now all I have to do is wait for the hubby, kiss his handsome face, {do the dishes}, and snuggle the night away with my man.

It is a beautiful day. One that I hope to always remember. The perfect fall house smells of cinnamon, all the windows are open, and I'm running around the house with my hair up and my leggings on.
What could be better?

Now, for those of you that don't know me very well, this might seem like no [big] deal. BUT for those of you that do, you are probably wondering when the miracle happened. Can you believe it..I actually baked today.
I'm pretty proud of myself.

Since I'm on this amazing baking high I'm going to go clean my kitchen, and finish picking up the house before Kj walks in and almost faints because he notices that I actually..  baked.

Sunday, September 12


Ok..I need EVERYONE'S help! I need a new name for my blog..One that I can keep for awhile. I need ideas...will you help me??


Friday, September 10

Beautiful Day.

Today is a [coffee-drinking-laundry-doing-over-whelming] beautiful day.
I have a headache. No, my head feels like a jackhammer is living inside of it.
My husband is at work on his day off, and I have lots to do.

On the other hand..I will choose to be thankful, open up my windows, [take an Advil, or two]
and let the sunshine peer through my house.
I will praise God for His redeeming grace, and even though this brain is throbbing, I will praise Him for a brain that works.
I will love deeply, smile at the little things, and thank God for what He has given me. I will praise Him for giving me a man that works so hard for his family, and even though its a job he hates..It is a job.

You see,
that's the kind of day I will have.

On a different note, I got to watch one of the cutest girls around..
See for yourself.

Happy Friday everyone..enjoy your weekend!
We will always see the negative in our lives..BUT can you stop and see all the positive as well?

Count your blessings, we serve an awesome God.
I'm sure He has big things in store for you!

Wednesday, September 8

Wednesdays Full of Wisdom : Helpmate.

This past month has been such a whirlwind.

"And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone;
I will make him an help mate for him..And the Lord God
caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam..
and he took one of his ribs..and the rib,
which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman,
and brought her unto the man"
Gen. 2:18; 21-22

I am created to be a help mate.
I am created to be his help mate.

Since getting married
I have had the best days, 
and the hardest days 
of my entire life.
Really, nothing compares
to the joys and hardships
these last few weeks have brought.
Nothing horrible has happened, 
but just simply the change of sharing 
my life with someone else is hard enough.
I am desperately in love with my husband
and know so strongly that besides my
relationship with Christ he is the best part of my life.
I have been so honored to be his wife, but learning
how to be his wife is a different story.
It's the little things you never think of....
how we fold our clothes
how we do the dishes
(KJ likes the dishes piled on the counter, I like them in the sink)
how we get ready for the day
how we SLEEP
There are so many little things that you have to learn about the person
that when you pile all of those up, it can feel so overwhelming.
Now, NONE of these things really 
matter in the big picture, but in the day to day life..they can seem huge.

I've been trying pray daily on how to be a better wife to my husband.
How can I make his day better?
How can I encourage him? 
How can I respect him? How can I love him.
This is the lesson that 
I must seek from God every single day.
Kj is worth every ounce I have, and I know I will 
never regret fighting for him.

Some days will be hard, but today...
I simply adore him.


Sunday, September 5

Two things.

There are many moments I love in this world.....

I love capturing those moments.

Friday, September 3

Windows are meant for opening...

This picture isn't anything special to any of you but to me, its my home.

Today is a good day. Windows are open and I can feel that crisp, cold breeze brushing across my entire apartment and I love it.

Welcome can join me everyday if you like.

Wednesday, September 1

A new month, a new day.

I'm overwhelmed.

I had class this morning and let me tell you, its rough.

Molecules, atoms, anatomic positions, body cavities, carbohydrates, monosaccharides, polysaccharides, disaccharides, lipids, levels of organization, and the list goes on and on. This is just a brief  amount of the information I have to learn and memorize by Wednesday so I can take my first exam. I know I can learn in, in fact I'm confident I can get this information beat into my head but it takes a lot, and I mean a lot of discipline.

I also have no clue where the month of August went. I mean really, where the heck did it go? I woke up this morning and couldn't believe that we are already into September, most everyone has started school, and fall is just around the corner. I am pretty excited about that, there is not a whole lot I love more than fall in Wisconsin. I can't wait for colored leaves, pumpkin pie, warm sweaters, and of course, sweatpants. :)

I realize I am pretty much mumbling my way through this blog but its because I have so much on my mind. My house is waiting for a good cleaning, I must go take a nap because I work a 14 hour shift tonight starting at midnight, and as you read above, I have lots of homework to study.

Ok, have a great week everyone...I think I'll hit the bed first. ;)