Tuesday, June 29

Just for Fun...

I realized today that it was time to do a light hearted and fun blog post..most of mine are always so serious! :)

Here is a little bit just to get to know me.. :) Happy Tuesday Everyone!

1. What is your occupation right now?
  Student.. and CNA part-time. :)

2. What color are your socks right now?
No socks for me, just flipflops!

3.. What are you listening to right now?
The hussle and bussle of my dogs around the house 

4. What was the last thing you ate?
Turkey Bacon and diet coke.. ( I know, weird combination huh?)

5. Can you drive a stick shift?
No, but KJ is definitely going to change that!

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone?

7. Random or Planned?
Usually planned, but I have to have some good random in my life to keep things interesting!

8. How old are you today?

9. What is your favorite sport to watch on TV?
Football or College Basketball

10. What is your favorite beverage?
Water ..or a cherry Dr. Pepper from Sonic

11. Have you ever dyed your hair?
once..but just a tiny bit

12. Favorite food?
Hmm..that is a tough one.
It depends on my mood but I guess no matter what day it was I would never turn down my grandma's pancakes!

13. What is the last movie you watched?

14. What is you favorite Holiday ?

15. What is your dream car?
Anything that runs decent.. :)

16. What was your favorite toy as a child?

17. What is your favorite season?
Fall.. :)

18. Cherries or Blueberries?

19. What is your favorite place to visit?
Texas.. but I love to visit just about anywhere!

20. Country or the City?
A little of both!

21.. Pool or Lake?

22. Living situation?
With my parents

23. When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago

24. What is on the floor of your closet right now?
Shoes..and boxes

25.. Who is the friend you have had the longest? 

26. What did you do last night?

27. What are you most afraid of?
I'm most afraid of living in Fear..I want God to be my strength.

28. Plain, cheese, or spicy hamburgers?
Usually plain..sometimes cheese

29.. Favorite dog breed?
Golden Retriever  

30. Favorite day of the week?

31. How many states have you lived in?

32.. Diamonds or pearls?
both..I love when they are together

33. What is your favorite flower?

Sunday, June 27

The wait is over..and I'm exhausted.


I wait and wait for the school to be out and the day to come when I can walk barefoot and enjoy the sun. Well, summer is here and its SO overwhelming sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It's just that I've been so busy that I almost feel like summer is almost over.
I'm working a lot, spending time with my man, squeezing in my friends, and making time for my family. Add that with day to day activities and before you know my weekend is over and I don't even know where it went.

I don't want to complain, so I'll just stop here but let this post be a warning that you may not see a lot of posts throughout July. My summer only gets more intense so I can't promise there will be a post every day. Don't worry though, I'll still make time to sit down and relax..which just so happens includes my laptop!

Even though its been very crazy, its been a great summer. Met some new friends, spent time with my old ones, loved on some of the cutest babies around, and have I mentioned how much I love the guy in my life. :) Everyday with him only gets better and I'd say we've had a pretty darn good summer..

Well, I've worked all weekend and today was not a good day. In fact, it was just plain hard. I love my job..being a CNA has only blessed my life and stretched me beyond anything I could have imagined but today was just one of those days. Where I really didn't want to be someones caretaker. I wanted to go home and spend time with my boyfriend and family, I wanted to go to Church, soak up some rays and just relax..instead I spent my day washing up old people, passing out medications, and chasing an old man down the street who claimed I was going to kill him. Yes folks.. it was one of those days. :)

I'm off to bed..my mind is completely burnt out.

Good Night.

Wednesday, June 23

Wednesdays full of Wisdom- Fireflies

Just Because He loves us....

This weeks lesson from God came at the perfect time..although, do I expect anything less of the Creator of the Universe? Life is getting busy. This always happens, life gets crazy in summer and things just seem to go in fast forward but lately I have really felt as though things are moving in double time so having God open my eyes and slow down to the things He's trying to teach me is amazing.

This week I was over at my boyfriends, and as it was starting to get dark we were able to witness a absolutely beautiful sunset. We all just sat and watched as the sky turned an amazing orange, pink, blue, purple, and red..it was truly breathtaking. I definitely enjoyed this view but within seconds of getting eaten by bugs I was right back by the campfire forgetting all about the memory I had just made.
As the night went on and the night sky darkened we all started noticing the cute little fireflies that were appearing from the woods, my brother and Kevin's sister began trying to catch them. She got out a jar and off they went prancing across the yard chasing after these cute little bugs...Kevin's mom suggested we all go back to the meadow because she has noticed that there are usually lots of fireflies back there. As we started walking through the trail it began getting brighter and brighter and before I knew it I could see hundreds of little fireflies lighting up the darkness...it was beyond incredible and something I had never experienced before.

That's when my eyes were opened..All I could do was smile. Thank you Jesus for this beautiful gift. As I stood there in complete awe of this fun and amazing moment all I could do was thank my Father in Heaven for giving me such a sweet gift. Just Because He Loves Us... how many times a day do I walk by a pretty flower, brush past a smiling child, look beyond a beautiful sunset? How many times do I miss the blessings and pure gifts of my Father. Sadly...everyday. I know God blesses me..and I know I never deserve those blessings but hardly do I realize that God gives us things just because He loves us so much.

This week God had me slow down a little..and remember He finds pleasure in His children. He loves to see us smiling, hear us laughing, and watching as we boast in His Goodness. We serve an amazing God...

Zephaniah 3:17
"The Lord your God in your midst, He is mighty to save. He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."

I have a very hectic schedule coming up and I'm so thankful the Lord decided to teach me this lesson now, so that maybe throughout these next busy months ahead, and years..I can always see the little things in life He does simply to make us smile.

Tuesday, June 22

Take a Walk with me...


                                                                 I love my Checker Boy....

                                                                           I love summer....

Sunday, June 20

The Reasons I love him...

1. He has never given up on me..even when I've felt like the entire world has.
2. He has raised me with Bibical foundations, and then shown me those with his actions.
3. His sense of Humor..he can make me laugh anytime, any day.
4. His security- without him I don't know where our family would be
5. His amazing listening ears..we all know I like to talk, and nobody has listened to my ramblings as good as this guy.

There are many more reasons I love this guy...but either way, I don't know where I would be without you Pappa Bear.

Happy Father's Day~

Saturday, June 19

Night Sky

It's my weekend off, and I'm working ALL weekend. Though this reality upsets me a little I had to take a moment in my busy schedule to let you all know that last night I saw over 100 fireflies light up my boyfriends back yard and in that moment I thought....

God really does love us..I truly believe He gives us times like those just for us to enjoy and for Him to shines us with His love.

It was a memory I don't want to forget. Ever.

Wednesday, June 16

Wednesdays full of Wisdom- He is Enough

My friend over at All Things Beautiful and I have started a new thing..every Wednesday we are going to blog about something God has taught us this past week. I encourage anyone to join, its just a way that we can step back from our busy lifestyles and be thankful for a God that is constantly teaching and molding His children. What an incredible honor that God allows us to open our hearts to be taught by Him, I know for me..I don't remember this enough. I don't hold on to His promises like I should and this new blog post is just going to help me remember..My God is always enough.

My life is in His hands..when confusion and drama hides my way and keeps me burdened down, He is always enough. This past week I've had a strong reminder that no matter what, people will always let us down. God is our only true companion and as much as I am blessed with beautiful and wonderful people in my life, people will always disappoint. God has reminded me that His love is peace to my broken heart, and strength through every weak moment I have. He is truly enough..I will say it over and over again because I want it to pierce my heart stronger and stronger everyday. I will always be hurt by people in my life, because we are sinful by nature, only saved by God's amazing grace. And as much as I was hurt this week by someone I love dearly, I think its what I needed..because I realize how much I put my trust in my friends and family, when I need to put my ultimate and complete trust in God. I believe God is using this to open my eyes and remind me that He places people in our lives for a reason, they can be blessings and we can hold them very close, but He has to be first.
To know God, what an undefinable statement. Though I shamefully forget and try to live on my own, or by the friendships I have God showed me that those friendships are only to encourage and lift me up, not to replace Him. I want to know God more, I want Him to be my best friend..and I don't know why that is so hard sometimes. This week I was pretty burdened by a few things and for the first time in a long time, I laid it all at His feet. I went to Jesus first, I didn't go to my mom, or my friends, or even Kevin. I went to my Savior and King first..I prayed, cried and asked Him to guide me through this. And He did. What an amazing feeling to know He is there, He really does care for me. The amazing part with all of this was that only after I went to my Father first, then I could share my hurt with a friend, and express to her how I was feeling. She was able to give me wonderful wisdom that I feel only came straight from God.
 He held me, and gave me the wisdom I needed to feel those burdens all lifted from my heart. Wow, what a Mighty God we serve. Words can not describe Him, and actions can not show Him just how much I love Him.

Psalm 124

1 If the LORD had not been on our side—
let Israel say-
2 if the LORD had not been on our side
when men attacked us,
3 when their anger flared against us,
they would have swallowed us alive;
4 the flood would have engulfed us,
the torrent would have swept over us,
5 the raging waters
would have swept us away.
6 Praise be to the LORD,
who has not let us be torn by their teeth.
7 We have escaped like a bird
out of the Fowler's snare;
the snare has been broken,
and we have escaped.
8 Our help is in the name of the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

So in conclusion, this week God gave me a rather large reminder that I need to love, serve, honor, trust, and depend on Him more. And though these lessons can be hard, I'm so thankful for it.

Worthy is the Lamb, He is enough.

Thursday, June 10

You Capture: Fun

What do I consider fun?

Having this little girl in my arms..

Check out more fun at Beth's blog and keep up with the latest You Capture challenges! :)

Tuesday, June 8

Never Forget

I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of (STATE NAME) against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of (STATE NAME) and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.

This is the Oath my Brother took, and I am so honored to be his sister!

I am so Proud to be an American, and am SO thankful for all who scarifice everything for our Freedom. Thank you to my brother, and to all who defend our Country. You are all in my prayers daily.

Monday, June 7

June 7th 2010

June 7th.  I can't believe it is ALREADY June 7th....I know Summer hasn't even started but before we know it will be August and I'll be starting school again!
I haven't sat down and blogged in a while and now I've been doing some remodeling on the blog, so tonight I told myself I was going to sit down and type. I've had so much on my mind lately and it's time I release some of it.

I've titled my my Through His Eyes because I've noticed how little I try to see things through God's eyes. I get so caught up in my little, puny life that it becomes all about me. I get worked up, stressed out, worried, grumpy, and fall into the whirlwind of sin that blinds me from viewing this life the way God sees it. If I could only see things through His eyes than maybe I could put things into perspective. About two weeks ago I was reading my Bible and God showed me that through His Word we HAVE that chance, to see things through His eyes. I was amazed, here I am..getting so caught up in myself when God has already given me all that I need through His word. I'm ashamed to admit that I honestly don't read my Bible enough. Sure, I read scripture every day one way or the other but lately I've noticed how little I actually spend with my Savior. It breaks my heart, because I see how it effects everyone around me.

"When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?"
Psalm 8: 3 & 4

When I stop and read that verse, I mean really read that verse..I'm almost brought to tears. Through all my mistakes and failures in this world God, who is so huge and mighty, has chosen to relate to MY life. He loves me so much He is Mindful of ME..the creator of the universe actually thinks about me, and not only that but He wants to have a relationship with me.
If I could only remember that every second of every day I would live a life of humble and complete thankfulness to my Lord.

He is so good to us.

Saturday, June 5


I've started updating my blog.. (Thanks to Kayla for ALL her help) I'm pretty excited about it but have a long ways to go! :) Stay tuned for many changes to come!!!!