Wednesday, September 30
Oh how He loves us...
I have been listening to this song for most of the morning and I am in complete awe of how wonderful my God is.
He blesses us beyond measure!
Even in my deepest, darkest moments, His love and grace covered me. How can I not be in awe of that. To think that one day I will see my maker face to face, a complete sense of joy overfills my soul. What a glorious day that will be! Nothing can separate me from His love..nothing.
" For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, now things present nor things to come, nor height now depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
-Romans 8:38-39
Quick Texas update:
It was 64 degrees when I woke up! :) I am so thankful that it is cooling down, I love the crisp feeling of fall. I've been a little homesick, missing the Wisconsin fall and all that comes with it but God has blessed me with a nice cool morning to remind me of my home in Wisconsin! Tonight is Church and I can hardly wait, another great night with the kiddos!
This past weekend I went to the State fair of TX with my grandparents, aunt and uncle and we all had a good time. It was a long exhausting day but we were able to walk around and make fun memories!
OK, back to homework..I have a lot to get done this week! Which is one more blessing before I forget, my classes are still horrible and I still hate them but things ARE getting easier and I'm getting a better routine. So thank you JESUS!!!
Wednesday, September 23
Open your eyes...
Being around these kids is such a blessing and it's easy to see why God loved little children so much, they love deep and very pure..sure they are still full of sin, and attitude and just plain crazy thinking but the way they look at life and their outlook on things is gorgeous.
My God loves me so much that He sends me children like this to show me new things, as I look around..I realized that if we never open our eyes we will never see the small blessings our God sends our way.
My challenge for you is to simply open your eyes, I can promise you God is blessing you and you probably even haven't seen it.
My prayers for this week:
-My eyes are always opened and my selfish flesh doesn't get in the way!
-My family
-My friends
-That I will continue to be used in God's kingdom
Father, give me ears to hear, a heart that trusts and a mind that rests on you.
Wednesday, September 16
A sweet childs face, still unaware of the hardships this world can sometimes bring
Texas is feeling more and more like home and I'm becoming so grateful God brought me here. I still miss my family and friends in Wisconsin but I'm loving the exerpriences I'm having here.
Psalm 18:2
Thursday, September 10
Laughter that lasts forever.

Putting on shows for everyone just to make them laugh..and of course get all of the attention.
Eating Popsicles all day long just to get some relief of the heat.
Playing in my grandparents driveway on bikes, my mom once made us a whole town with chalk.
Going to water parks, museums, and every other thing imaginable.
In my grandparents old house every year for Christmas this Santa would ride on a Fire Truck, drive around the neighborhood and throw candy. I loved that Santa and could hardly wait for him to get there!
I have so many memories of funny stories, games we played, the amazing food we cooked and then ate, movies, all of sitting in the living room opening up presents, making jokes that would have us all stumbling over in laughter. These are all things I keep very close to my heart and thank God for them often. So here I am, in a house that holds many memories, and yet I feel like it was just yesterday that I was that little girl.
I don't feel ready for life, and yet life doesn't wait for you to be ready, so we just have to jump in and let God lead the way. I'm not that little girl anymore, but I'm still making memories and I still have an amazing family. These are all the things that can and should make laughter last forever, if only we could start to laugh and it would never end. Then I realized, one day..when we are at the feet of Jesus, we can laugh and never stop. Oh what a glorious day that will be. :)
Wednesday, September 9

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. -Psalm 119:105
Don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs and don't forget to thank him for answers.
Philippians 4:6
Sunday, September 6
From whom all blessings flow...

Today I've been thinking about some of the things that will always put me in a good mood. This is what I came up with off the top of my head.
The Bible
any child
walking off of a airplane knowing someone you love is waiting for you
my family
God's creation
Puppies (or any baby animal)
Understanding some scripture for the first time, even though you've read it over 100 times.
Clean feet
the feeling you get right before you fall asleep
finishing homework/test
long walks with friends
I have so many more but that's about it for now.
God is truly amazing and I can't believe I can be a daughter of His. For all the things I mentioned above and for all my other blessings, to Him be the glory and honor. He deserves all my praise. The love He shows towards me and the grace I have is overflowing. I'm in complete awe.
At Your feet I fall,
Yield You up my ALL,
To Suffer, Live, Or Die,
For my Lord Crucified.
His day
Friday, September 4
I'm not sure why I'm starting a blog but since I'm in TX this will give people who are far away a chance to read about what's going on in my life.
My Internet classes this semester are pretty tough so I can't promise how great I'll be at updating but I will definitely do my best!
I've been in TX for over a week and I'm starting to really love it, its a huge change for me. (Even though I'm living with my grandparents) But its been a really good change for my life. God is already stretching me and I just hope I have the patience to let Him.
I am hoping that this blog can also be an encouragement to anyone to reads it. My blog is called "His Grace is enough" because I'm slowly learning that His grace really is sufficient for me. What a blessing to be created and formed by such an amazing God. I can put into words how much that means to me. I am a sinner saved by grace!
And He Said to me,
"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
2 Cor. 12:9